An orientation programme on the above topic was held by Mr. Satyawan B. Lokhande, Special Educator, AEES, Mumbai on 25 June 2018. The workshop commenced by enumerating the categories of disabilities followed by identification of children suspected of having these disabilities. The session was an interactive session and proved to be a learning opportunity for teachers. Teachers were given basic lesson on how to identify and deal with children with special needs. Trainer also covered how children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other intellectual disability need to be identified and given appropriate attention so that they get adjusted to the classroom environment without difficulty. He explained that the teacher’s role is to observe each child’s behavior carefully and note down any deviant or odd behavior. If some deviation is seen, concerned parent must be encouraged and motivated to seek medical diagnosis for assessment of the child. Emphasis on positive support and plan for Individual Education Programme(IEP) must be provided in case of any intellectual disability was given. The orientation program was very useful to all teachers.