Assembly area was decorated with cut outside of children demonstrating various exercise and yoga pose. Session began with singing a song:
Clap your hands, clap your hands listen to the music and clap your hands,
stamp your feet and listen to the music and stamp your feet,
Jump up high listen to the music and jump up high,
Say hurray, say hurray listen to the music and say hurray

This song was enough to make children eager. They followed all the instructions given by teacher and were getting curious to know what comes next. A quick revision of healthy way covering – oral and personal hygiene was done. She also shared the importance of proper and timely sleep. Then teacher explained children that apart from the cleanliness, good sleep and healthy eating habits, doing exercise and yoga every day will make them healthy and wise.

Children from class UKG B demonstrated outdoor games (cycling, football and cricket), aerobic exercise, and yoga. Aerobic was done on a catchy song:
Let’s stand up and touch the sky,
And dance together.
Let’s bend down and touch our toes
And dance together.
Let’s all do the jumping Jack’s
And dance together.
Let’s all move and wriggle and shake,
And dance together.
Let’s all March and stamp our feet,
And dance together.
Every child enjoyed and joined the aerobics team.
Children thoroughly enjoyed dancing along with the leaders. Later they followed their friends in doing butterfly asana, tree pose and few steps of surya namaskar. They were very happy and relaxed by the end of the session.