On 22nd April 2019, the school celebrated Earth Day, to express our gratitude to Planet Earth for providing all natural resources. Our planet is home to all living things and belongs to all the creatures. So we humans, have the responsibility to preserve the nature and make our earth a healthier planet.
Teacher explained to children about the basic and simple steps that should be followed,
• Switching off lights and fans when not in use
• Turning off the taps when not in use
• Planting more trees, and
• Being kind to animals
The theme of the day was, “My Planet, My Home”. This gave a sense of belonging and responsibility. Today’s children of our school and tomorrows citizens of our country, learnt about the importance of natural resources. They also learnt to preserve the resources in easy steps. Children learnt to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, i.e., three ‘R’s of waste management.
In order to introduce the concepts of three R’s of waste management to children, teacher prepared display boards using recycled materials. Through examples from day to day activities teacher taught children that by avoiding vehicles for short distances and avoiding plastic bags for shopping, one can REDUCE pollution caused by them, She stressed on reusing old books, newspapers etc, children and teachers took an oath of not buying plastic water bottles and rather carry their own water bottles from home while going out on a trip. Segregation of wet and dry waste which helps in RECYCLING was also demonstrated.
Children actively participated in organizing this event by colouring waster plastic bottle and making craft items out of them which was used to decorate the assembly area.
On this day along with teachers, children sang songs related to the day and promised to REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE for the betterment of their own future and plant earth.