Assembly began with an interesting song on clour brown. Teacher’s become lyricists and composers when they introduce any new thing to children. So the catchy number was sung with full enthusiasm by all children in the assembly.
As a part of celebration of this day the art work of the students, “Bold and Beautiful UKG-D” was displayed on the wall.
We see this natural colour in nature in soil, dry leaves etc. Teachers decorated the whole school with many things and creatures that are brown in colour. In morning assembly, teacher introduced this important colour to the children by demonstrating that brown colour is obtained on mixing two colours, red and green. Then teacher narrated a story of a brown potato that got dropped from the farmer’s basket. While tracing his way back to the farmer he met few animals like Bear, Dog, Giraffe, Cheetah who either wanted to eat the potato or play with it. Finally the potato managed to roll down the road and meet one kid from NKG who brought it to her mother and together they prepared Aloo chaat.
Children enjoyed the story which enhanced their GK and vocabulary.