Introducing doctors, an important community helper is a very important step in the health fortnight. The assembly area transformed into a small clinic like setup. With the help of one parent volunteer, entire table showcasing the medical equipment was arranged.

Session began with a song which was sung by teachers and children followed. After the song a small skit was performed by various children of LKG A wherein importance of paediatrician and dentist was emphasized. Two teachers did the role play of doctors and sahayika was in the role of nurse. Few children were very uncomfortable to see the doctor but by the end of the session they realised that if they follow healthy habits they might not need to see a doctor. Also, at times if they get unwell, doctors give them medicines which help them fight with the fever.

This was followed by another catchy rhyme in Hindi.
डॉक्टर देखो भली प्रकार
मेरी गुड़िया है बीमार
रात को बरसा छम छम पानी
उसमें भीगी गुड़िया रानी
गीले कपड़े दिए उतार
फिर भी इतना तेज बुखार
थर -थर थर -थर रही है
उसे लगाओ थर्मोमीटर
ओहो इतना तेज बुखार
सॉ से ऊपर डिग्री चार
डॉक्टर दे दो -दो पुड़िया
मै ले जाऊं अपनी गुडिया
जब तक नहीं उतरे बुखार
मेरे पैसे रहे उधार