NEW SESSION BEGINS:  The beginning of a new session is always an auspicious time – a time for new hopes and renewed dreams. After small break of 15 days, it’s school time again, full of new energy, enthusiasm and fresh vibes. Naval K G School started with its new session on 1st April 2019. Children were very excited to be back after 15 days break. They were happy and their cute smiles lit up the corridors of the School. However, the fresh batch of children entered the school with mixed emotion – fear and excitement. Some children came crying and some were very happy carrying their new bag and water bottle; children were excited about the new uniform and shoes also. The day started with an orientation session for parents by respective class teacher.  All parents were escorted to respective classes with kids. The class teachers explained parents the detailed plan for the year and how the year will unfold. Teachers shared, in details, various aspects about uniform, books, following time discipline, healthy tiffin, homework etc. Children enjoyed the colourful classes. Special efforts were made by the teachers to decorate respective classes so as to ensure a grand welcome. At the entrance, two welcome charts were placed to make children feel special.

Day 2 saw the little enthusiasts enter school with bright lovely smile on their face. Nursery children and few children from LKG had taken their first step outside the comfortable abode of home and away from parents, they were slightly disturbed. This was a huge change for these young members of NKG family and we knew that with lots of love and patience we will make them comfortable in no time. This year, Nursery took almost only 3 days to settle. Eager parents were restless; their happiness knew no bound when they saw their children settle so fast.  LKG children are trying hard to adjust to the long three hour school session.