The bond between grandparents is second only to the bond between parent and child. Grandparents provide unconditional love and support that help children to gain self esteem and self confidence by feeling loved. Grandparents are family roots and they are also valuable resources because they have so many stories and experiences from their own lives to share.
In the honor of their grandparents, children of Naval KG School, Mankhurd celebrated this day as Grandparents’ Day along with their grandparents and teachers.
Before the event:
Preparation for the event was taken few days in advance. All the class teachers took practices of their respective class performances. Stage decorations were being made. Children made greetings card for their grandparents. There was great enthusiasm in the air.
Event Celebration:
Theme of the event was – “A fun filled day in a school”. We often find the parents and grandparents very eager to know about the daily activities of their little ones. Through this program we aimed to provide a glimpse of a typical day in school to the grandparents.
The Program had a traditional beginning by welcoming the chief guest Dr. M L Kulkarni with a small sapling. Tiny tots from Nursery began the program with Ganpati Vandana followed by LKG and UKG children performing in various programs one by one. All the performances were centered on the theme of a typical day at school and how children experience it. The topics covered were –

• Fun with ABC – At our school we integrate learning with play and music. Here we adopted the easy and funny way of learning the alphabets with a foot tapping song.
• Rainy Season – As the seasons of weather change, so do our lives. Like Summer is hot, Rains bring joy, Winter is cold and in Spring earth blooms. Every season has a purpose and it is important to learn about them. We presented here the rainy season, with all her grandeurs and fun.
• Rainbow song – inside every child is a rainbow waiting to shine.
Recognising the colours and identifying the colour names is an important part of child’s development. Here in our school we teach different colours through various play way and stimulating activities. We also teach them that all colours come together to form the rainbow – a symbol of team spirit.
• Dussera festival – Ram leela –
At our school, we celebrate various religious festivals. We believe that through celebration we can make children aware of the diversity of our country, various cultures, languages, etc. This also helps them to understand the flavour of unity in diversity.
• Exercise – Healthy body houses healthy mind. We teach children various form of exercises- yoga, aerobic and meditation. Through this performance we showed how simple movements and foot tapping music makes exercise fun and easy.
• Songs on Birds –Children need to understand that we co exists with other animals and birds. Introducing them to all common and some not so common animals/ birds is the endeavour of our school. As an example, we presented an animal filled performance on Birds and animals through Music and Movement.
• Story Telling – Stories create magic and a sense of wonder at the world. Storytelling is a unique way for kids to develop an understanding, respect and appreciation for other cultures. We presented here the Story of a Crow (connected with an old era).
• National Integrity – India is the finest example of a Country displaying the Spirit of National Integration. Schools are also the perfect example of “National Integration” where children from all socio cultural backgrounds come together. Here we presented a program on with National Flag, patriotic songs and posters of our national leaders.

After the program, grandparents were invited to share their experiences with all children. They really acknowledged the efforts of the children and that of the school for making this program a great success.

Dr. Kulkarni while addressing the gathering congratulated the NKG team for the fantastic performance. He added that this event helped grandparents witness the amazing way of teaching that their grandchildren are exposed to. He spoke about the change in society and education system and was touched by the gesture of NKG school which made grandparents feel special.